Tip of the Gondhi

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Do you need help navigating the Persian Jewish world? Let me be your GPS!

How often have you asked a friend for advice, desperate for their opinion, only to have the following situations occur:

1) Their the advice doesn't apply to your situation
2) Your friend didn't really understand what you were asking
3) Your friend doesn't know the answer.

This page provides a culturally sensitive opinion by a licensed mental health professional with experience dealing with the challenges of our community.

So, whether you're Persian, Jewish, Persian AND Jewish, or just Persian Jewish friendly, and have questions that need answers, feel free to e-mail me your questions at shireenoberman@gmail.com, or click Therapist 90212and I'll respond on this page.

CONFIDENTIALITY: Your name will not be revealed on this page and I will do my best to maintain your confidentiality. You will receive a pseudonym if your question is published

DISCLAIMER: This page does not replace the benefits of ongoing psychotherapy.  It's purpose is to provide an unbiased, culturally sensitive, professional opinion.

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